Tagged template literals and the hack that will never go away

Tagged template literals were added to Javascript as part of ES 2015. While a fair bit has been written about them, I’m going to argue their significance is underappreciated and I’m hoping this post will help change that. In part, it’s significant because it strikes at the root of a problem people had otherwise resigned themselves to living with: SQL injection.

Just so we are clear, before ES 2015, combining query strings with untrusted user input to create a SQL injection was done via concatenation using the plus operator.

let query = 'select * from widgets where id = ' + id + ';'

As of ES 2015, you can create far more stylish SQL injections using backticks.

let query = `select * from widgets where id = ${id};`

By itself this addition is really only remarkable for not being included in the language sooner. The backticks are weird, but it gives us some much-needed multiline string support and a very Rubyish string interpolation syntax. It’s pairing this new syntax with another language feature known as tagged templates that has a real potential to make an impact on SQL injections.

> let id = 1
// define a function to use as a "tag"
> sql = (strings, ...vars) => ({strings, vars})
[Function: sql]
// pass our tag a template literal
> sql`select * from widgets where id = ${id};`
{ strings: [ 'select * from widgets where id = ', ';' ], vars: [ 1 ] }

What you see above is just a function call, but it no longer works like other languages. Instead of doing the variable interpolation first and then calling the sql function with select * from widgets where id = 1;, the sql function is called with an array of strings and the variables that are supposed to be interpolated.

You can see how different this is from the standard evaluation process by adding brackets to make this a standard function invocation. The string is interpolated before being passed to the sql function, entirely loosing the distinction between the variable (which we probably don’t trust) and the string (that we probably do). The result is an injected string and an empty array of variables.

> sql(`select * from widgets where id = ${id};`)
{ strings: 'select * from widgets where id = 1;', vars: [] }

This loss of context is the heart of matter when it comes to SQL injection (or injection attacks generally). The moment the strings and variables are combined you have a problem on your hands.

So why not just use parameterized queries or something similar? It’s generally held that good code expresses the programmers intent. I would argue that our SQL injection example code perfectly expresses the programmers intent; they want the id variable to be included in the query string. As a perfect expression of the programmers intent, this should be acknowledged as “good code”… as well as a horrendous security problem.

let query = sql(`select * from widgets where id = ${id};`)

When the clearest expression of a programmers intent is also a security problem what you have is a systemic issue which requires a systemic fix. This is why despite years of security education, developer shaming and “push left” pep-talks SQL injection stubbornly remains “the hack that will never go away”. It’s also why you find Mike Samuel from Google’s security team as the champion of the “Template Strings” proposal.

You can see the fruits of this labour by noticing library authors leveraging this to deliver a great developer experience while doing the right thing for security. Allan Plum, the driving force behind the Arangodb Javascript driver leveraging tagged template literals to let users query ArangoDB safely.

The aql (Arango Query Language) function lets you write what would in any other language be an intent revealing SQL injection, safely returns an object with a query and some accompanying bindvars.

aql`FOR thing IN collection FILTER thing.foo == ${foo} RETURN thing`
{ query: 'FOR thing IN collection FILTER thing.foo == @value0 RETURN thing',
  bindVars: { value0: 'bar' } }

Mike Samuel himself has a number of node libraries that leverage Tagged Template Literals, among them one to safely handle shell commands.

sh`echo -- ${a} "${b}" 'c: ${c}'`

It’s important to point out that Tagged Template Literals don’t entirely solve SQL injections, since there are no guarantees that any particular tag function will do “the right thing” security-wise, but the arguments the tag function receives set library authors up for success.

Authors using them get to offer an intuitive developer experience rather than the clunkiness of prepared statements, even though the tag function may well be using them under the hood. The best experience is from safest thing; It’s a great example of creating a “pit of success” for people to fall into.

// Good security hinges on devs learning to write
// stuff like this instead of stuff that makes sense.
// Clunky prepared statement is clunky.
const ps = new sql.PreparedStatement(/* [pool] */)
ps.input('param', sql.Int)
ps.prepare('select * from widgets where id = @id;', err => {
    // ... error checks
    ps.execute({id: 1}, (err, result) => {
        // ... error checks
        ps.unprepare(err => {
            // ... error checks

It’s an interesting thought that Javascripts deficiencies seem to have become it’s strength. First Ryan Dahl filled out the missing IO pieces to create Node JS and now missing features like multiline string support provide an opportunity for some of the worlds most brilliant minds to insert cutting edge security features along-side these much needed fixes.

I’m really happy to finally see language level fixes for things that are clearly language level problems, and excited to see where Mike Samuel’s mission to “make the easiest way to express an idea in code a secure way to express that idea” takes Javascript next. It’s the only way I can see to make “the hack that will never go away” go away.

Javascript i18n with Lingui

Living in a country with two official lanaguage means that you don’t get far into a project before the question of internationalization (aka i18n to anyone who has to type it more than a few times) comes up.

There are a few options for dealing with this in Javascript, but it’s taken a while to find one I like. First, I expect to use the same library on the server and on the client, and I expect to be able to use it with libraries like React.

React-Intl works OK on the client side, but using the underlying Intl on the server looks under-documented and deeply clunky. I18next is reasonable on the server and has integrations with most client side frameworks. While it’s a decent choice, there is something about the way it works which rubs me the wrong way.

  lng: 'en',
  fallbackLng: 'en',
  resources: {
    en: {
      translation: {
        person: {
          firstName: "First name",
          lastName: "Last name",
    fr: {
      translation: {
        person: {
          firstName: "Prénom",
          lastName: "Nom de famille",

The above code shows how to use it. It’s a pretty standard setup (very familiar if you’ve ever done i18n in Rails), some singleton object (you can make others if you need to) with an internal collection of messages which are stored as a JSON object.

One of the things that I dislike about this approach is that the translations stored in that JSON object tend to accumulate and hang around long after the code that needs that message is gone.

The other thing I find doesn’t sit well with me is the way you access those messages: i18n.t('mutation.fields.purchase.args.expiryYear').

What you are looking at is a function call that assumes the existence of an object like {translation:{fields:{purchase:{args:{expiryYear: "Expiry year"}}}}}. This an example of structural coupling, my code depends on the structure of that object. This sort of thing is normally considered an anti-pattern, a violation of the “law of Demeter”, but it’s pretty common among i18n libraries. I have to decide on the structure to start with, and after that, changing that structure (say if you decide you didn’t make the right decision about how to structure it originally) is going to break a lot of things.

Poking around I stumbled on a library that takes a different approach: Lingui.

Lingui is interesting because it builds a nice translation workflow by leveraging the now ubiquitous infrastructure of Babel.

Aside from the core code in lingui-i18n (and other packages dealing with React) the heart of lingui’s approach are two babel plugins: babel-plugin-lingui-extract-messages and babel-plugin-lingui-transform-js.

We can install what we need for the server side like this.

yarn add lingui-cli lingui-i18n

The babel-plugin-lingui-extract-messages plugin does what is advertised on the tin. First we need a little test code to extract.

const { i18n } = require('lingui-i18n')

i18n.t`I do like a bit of gorgonzola.`
i18n.t`Not even Wensleydale?`

Then we need to create some locales using the helper supplied by lingui-cli:

[mike@longshot lingui]$ lingui add-locale en fr
Added locale en.
Added locale fr.

(use "lingui extract" to extract messages)
[mike@longshot lingui]$ tree
├── index.js
├── locale
│   ├── en
│   │   └── messages.json
│   └── fr
│       └── messages.json
├── package.json
└── yarn.lock

Next we use babel-plugin-lingui-extract-messages via the Lingui CLI commandlingui extract to scan our code for those internationalized strings and extract them into translation files.

[mike@longshot lingui]$ lingui extract
Extracting messages from source files…
Collecting all messages…
Writing message catalogues…
Messages extracted!

Catalog statistics:
│ Language │ Total count │ Missing │
│ en       │      2      │    2    │
│ fr       │      2      │    2    │

(use "lingui add-locale <language>" to add more locales)
(use "lingui extract" to update catalogs with new messages)
(use "lingui compile" to compile catalogs for production)

Lingui prints out a nice summary of the state of my translations.
A look at the translation files shows how Lingui can solve that coupling problem; it generates an object with the content of the strings used as the keys. This way my translations are looked up by content, rather than via their location in some stucture. Since Lingui defaults to showing the message id (which is actually the English content string from the source) we’ll just edit the French messages file.

[mike@longshot lingui]$ cat locale/fr/messages.json 
  "I do like a bit of gorgonzola.": {
    "translation": "Je aime un peu de gorgonzola.",
    "origin": [
  "Not even Wensleydale?": {
    "translation": "Pas même Wensleydale?",
    "origin": [

With that done we need to compile the json into JS files for use with lingui compile. The missing piece now is the how those i18n.t tagged template literals are going to produce our translated strings at runtime, and the answer is babel-plugin-lingui-transform-js.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I think the best way to explain it is this:

[mike@longshot lingui]$ cat index.js | babel --plugins lingui-transform-js
const { i18n } = require('lingui-i18n');

i18n._('I do like a bit of gorgonzola.');
i18n._('Not even Wensleydale?');

As you can see, all the calls to i18n.t`` are replaced with calls to i18n._(). This is underscore function is the low level api that Lingui uses to actually give you the translated strings.

Now that we know that, let’s take a look at what using the library looks like.

[mike@longshot lingui]$ node
> var { i18n, unpackCatalog } = require('lingui-i18n')
> i18n.load({fr: unpackCatalog(require('./locale/fr/messages.js')), en: unpackCatalog(require('./locale/en/messages.js'))})
> i18n.availableLanguages
[ 'fr', 'en' ]>
> i18n.activate('en')
> i18n._('I do like a bit of gorgonzola.')
'I do like a bit of gorgonzola.'
> i18n.activate('fr')
> i18n._('I do like a bit of gorgonzola.')
'Je aime un peu de gorgonzola.'

Lingui has some more tricks up it’s sleeve like pluralization, but one of the things I’m happiest about is that this approach also solves that “unused messages” problem that I mentioned.

If we delete our “Not even Wensleydale?” message and run lingui extract again we can see the benefits of this static analysis style approach: Lingui knows when there is nothing referencing a message, and marks it as obsolete.

[mike@longshot lingui]$ cat locale/fr/messages.json 
  "I do like a bit of gorgonzola.": {
    "translation": "Je aime un peu de gorgonzola.",
    "origin": [
  "Not even Wensleydale?": {
    "translation": "Pas même Wensleydale?",
    "origin": [
    "obsolete": true

Better still, Lingui will clean out the obsolete messages for you with lingui extract --clean.

[mike@longshot lingui]$ lingui extract --clean
Extracting messages from source files…
Collecting all messages…
Writing message catalogues…
Messages extracted!

Catalog statistics:
│ Language │ Total count │ Missing │
│ en       │      1      │    1    │
│ fr       │      1      │    0    │

(use "lingui add-locale <language>" to add more locales)
(use "lingui extract" to update catalogs with new messages)
(use "lingui compile" to compile catalogs for production)
[mike@longshot lingui]$ cat locale/fr/messages.json 
  "I do like a bit of gorgonzola.": {
    "translation": "Je aime un peu de gorgonzola.",
    "origin": [

For me this is pretty much the holy grail for i18n. Here I’ve focused on using Lingui without any other libraries, but it’s just as awesome with React. With locale files that can be plausibly handed over to a translator, and tooling that both find and remove translations Lingui has become my goto i18n library.

Flash messages for Mapbox GL JS

I’ve been working on an application where I’m using ArangoDB’s WITHIN_RECTANGLE function to pull up documents within the current map bounds. The obvious problem there is that the current map bounds can be very very big.

Dumping the entire contents of your database every time the map moves sounded decidedly sub-optimal to me so I decided to calculate the area within the requested bounds using Turf.js and send back an error if it’s to big.

So far so good, but I wanted a nice way to display that error message  as a notification right on the map. There are lots of ways to tackle that sort of thing, but given that this seemed very specific to the map, I thought I might take a stab at making it a mapbox-gl.js plugin.

The result is mapbox-gl-flash. Currently you would install it from github:

npm install --save mapbox-gl-flash

I’m using babel so I’ll use the ES2015 syntax and get a map going.

import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl'
import Flash from 'mapbox-gl-flash'

//This is mapbox's api token that it uses for it's examples
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoibWlrZXdpbGxpYW1zb24iLCJhIjoibzRCYUlGSSJ9.QGvlt6Opm5futGhE5i-1kw';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
    container: 'map', // container id
    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8', //stylesheet location
    center: [-74.50, 40], // starting position
    zoom: 9 // starting zoom

// And now set up flash:
map.addControl(new Flash());

This sets up an element on the map that listens for a “mapbox.setflash” event.

Next the element that is listening has a class of .flash-message, so lets set up a little basic styling for it:

.flash-message {
  font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
  color: #fff;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0.5em;
  background-color: grey;

.flash-message.info {
  background-color: DarkSeaGreen;

.flash-message.warn {
  background-color: Khaki;

.flash-message.error {
  background-color: LightCoral;

With that done lets fire an CustomEvent and see what it does.

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mapbox.setflash', {detail: {message: "foo"}}))


Ruby on Rails has three different kinds of flash messages: info, warn and error. That seems pretty reasonable so I’ve implemented that here as well. We’ve already set up some basic styles for those classes above and we can apply one of those classes by adding another option to out custom event detail object:

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mapbox.setflash', {detail: {message: "foo", info: true}}))

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mapbox.setflash', {detail: {message: "foo", warn: true}}))

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mapbox.setflash', {detail: {message: "foo", error: true}}))

These events add the specified class to the flash message.


One final thing that I expect is for the flash message to fade out after a specified number of seconds. The is accomplished by adding a fadeout attribute:

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mapbox.setflash', {detail: {message: "foo", fadeout: 3}}))

Lastly you can make the message go away by firing the event again with an empty string.

With a little CSS twiddling I was able to get the nice user-friendly notification I had in mind to let people know why there is no more data showing up.


I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. Now I have a nice map specific notification that not only works in this project, but is going to be easy to add to future ones too.

A quick tour of Arangojs

I’ve been using ArangoDB for a while now, but for most of that time I’ve been using it from Ruby. I’ve dabbled with the Guacamole library and even took a crack at writing my own, but switching to Javascript has led me to get to know Arangojs.

Given that Arangojs is talking to ArangoDB via its HTTP API, basically everything you do is asynchronous. There are a few ways of dealing with async code in Javascript, and Arangojs has been written to support basically all of them.

Arangojs’s flexibility and my inexperience with the new Javascript syntax combined to give me bit of an awkward start, so with a little learning under my belt I thought I would write up some examples that would have saved me some time.

My most common use case is running an AQL query, so lets use that as an example. First up, I’ve been saving my config in a separate file:

// arango_config.js
//Using auth your url would look like:
// "http://uname:passwd@"
module.exports = {
  "production" : {
    "databaseName": process.env.PROD_DB_NAME,
    "url": process.env.PROD_DB_HOST,
  "development" : {
    "databaseName": process.env.DEVELOPMENT_DB_NAME,
    "url": process.env.DEVELOPMENT_URL
  "test" : {
    "databaseName": "test",
    "url": "",

With that I can connect to one of my existing databases like so:

var config = require('../arangodb_config')[process.env.NODE_ENV]
var db = require('arangojs')(config)

This keeps my test database nicely separated from everything else and all my db credentials in the environment and out of my project code.

Assuming that our test db has a collection called “documents” containing a single document, we can use Arangojs to go get it:

db.query('FOR doc IN documents RETURN doc', function(err, cursor) {
  cursor.all(function(err, result) {

Which returns:

[ { foo: 'bar',
    _id: 'documents/206191358605',
    _rev: '206192931469',
    _key: '206191358605' } ]

While this is perfectly valid Javascript, its pretty old-school at this point since ECMAScript 2015 is now standard in both Node.js and any browser worth having. This means we can get rid of the “function” keyword and replace it with the “fat arrow” syntax and get the same result:

db.query('FOR doc IN documents RETURN doc', (err, cursor) => {
  cursor.all((err, result) => {

So far so good but the callback style (and the callback-hell it brings) is definitely an anti-pattern. The widely cited antidote to this is promises:

db.query('FOR doc IN documents RETURN doc')
  .then((cursor) => { return cursor.all() })
  .then((doc) => { console.log(doc) });

While this code is functionally equivalent, it operates by chaining promises together. While it’s an improvement over callback-hell, after writing a bunch of this type of code, I ended up feeling like I had replaced callback hell with promise hell.


The path back to sanity lies in ECMAScript 2016 aka ES7 and the new async/await keywords. Inside a function marked as async, you have access to an await keyword which allows you to write code that looks synchronous but does not block the event loop.

Using the babel transpiler lets us use the new ES7 syntax right now by compiling it all down to ES5/6 equivalents. Installing with npm install -g babel and running your project with babel-node is all that you need to be able to write this:

async () => {
    let cursor = await db.query('FOR doc IN documents RETURN doc')
    let result = await cursor.all()

Once again we get the same result but without all the extra cruft that we would normally have to write.

One thing that is notably absent in these examples is the use of bound variables in our queries to avoid SQL injection (technically parameter injection since this is NoSQL).

So what does that look like?

async () => {
    let bindvars = {foo: "bar"}
    let cursor = await db.query('FOR doc IN documents FILTER doc.foo == @foo RETURN doc', bindvars)
    let result = await cursor.all()

But Arangojs lets you go further, giving you a nice aqlQuery function based on ES6 template strings:

async () => {
    let foo = "bar"
    let aql = aqlQuery`
      FOR doc IN documents
        FILTER doc.foo == ${foo}
          RETURN doc
    let cursor = await db.query(aql)
    let result = await cursor.all()

Its pretty astounding how far that simple example has come. It’s hard to believe that it’s even the same language.
With Javascript (the language and the community) clearly in transition, Arangojs (and likely every other JS library) is compelled to support both the callback style and promises. It’s a bit surprising to see how much leeway that gives me to write some pretty sub-optimal code.

With all the above in mind, suddenly Arangojs’s async heavy API no longer feels intimidating.

The documentation for Arangojs is simple (just a long readme file) but comprehensive and there is lots more it can do. Hopefully this little exploration will help people get started with Arangojs a little more smoothly than I did.

Rethinking web development maxims

The increasing use of javascript frameworks is generating a lot of interesting discussions about some oft-quoted web development maxims. Most at issue are the ideas of progressive enhancement and unobtrusive javascript.

The argument advanced in these discussions is that we as web developers need to go back and revisit the assumptions that these maxims rest on to determine if they still have value.

To that end Tom Dale of Ember.js recently wrote a great article arguing that progressive enhancement is dead, pointing to Mozilla’s recent decision to remove the ability to disable javascript from the UI. While he makes a great argument, there are plenty of good arguments to the contrary to be found.

A more complicated question if raised by Angular.js. Doesn’t its requirement to specify behaviour via attributes on your DOM elements violate the unobtrusive javascript rule?

<div ng-click="doSomething()">...</div>

Brad Green and Shyam Sheshadri attempt to address this in their book “AngularJS” in a section called “A Few Words on Unobtrusive JavaScript”. After addressing some questions about being dependent on javascript, their finally raise (what I think of as) the main concern of unobtrusive javascript:

“5. These event handlers combine structure and behaviour. This makes your code more difficult to maintain, extend, and understand.”

Their answer to that is this:

There’s a simple acid test we can use to figure out if our system suffers from this coupling (between structure and behaviour): can we create a unit test for our app logic that doesn’t require the DOM to be present?

In Angular, yes we can write controllers containing our business logic without having references to the DOM.The problem was never in the event handlers, but rather in the way we needed to write JavaScript previously. Notice that in all the controllers we’ve written so far, here and elsewhere in this book, there are no references to the DOM or DOM events anywhere.

I’m still pondering that one. I’ve used Angular on a project and then removed it and I can tell you that it sure felt a lot like coupling to have to go and remove all the ng-whatever’s sprinkled throughout all of my views.

Misgivings aside, it’s definitely a good thing to go back and revisit the facts our conclusions rest on. Like the rest of life, there is unlikely to be a single shining “right answer”, but I think this is a conversation people in the web development world should be following.

Matrix transforms in SVG

Using a matrix to transform an element is a pretty big thing in SVG. Sadly most of the tutorials I have seen either trying to introduce you to matrix math or just omit dealing with matricies at all. This is a pretty sad state of affairs, so after needing to figure this out for one of my projects I figure I would try to fill that gap a little to make things easier next time I need to deal with this.

To keep this clear lets use an small set of elements:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <g transform="scale(0.5)">
  <rect transform="translate(50,50)" id="rect" x=0 y=0 height=50 width=50 fill="blue" />

A transform applied to a parent element will cascade down to its child elements. This means that in our example here the rect element in the middle will be both scaled AND translated since the scale(0.5) also applies to it.
With that in mind you can get a matrix that represents the sum of all the transformations on a given element by calling the getCTM (the Current Transformation Matrix) function:

svg = document.querySelector('svg') // the svg root element holds many helper functions we will need.
rect = document.querySelector("rect")
​​currentMatrix = rect.getCTM()
>SVGMatrix {f: 1.2132034355964265, e: -17.071067811865476, d: 1.4142135623730951, c: -1.414213562373095, b: 1.414213562373095…}

All SVG objects also have a list of transforms that have been applied to them. You can access it with the transform property:

>SVGAnimatedTransformList {animVal: SVGTransformList, baseVal: SVGTransformList}

So the goal it to manipulate that list to get the effect you are looking for. The least complicated thing you can do is simply append another transform to the existing list of transforms:

newTransform = svg.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(150,50))

This will move the rect element 150 px to the left and 50 px down.

The other way to approach this would be to replace the existing transform(s) with a single new transform. You can accomplish that with the initialize function.:


If we wanted to move our element to 750px while keeping everything else the same (and replacing all existing transforms), it might look something like this:

current_matrix = rect.getCTM()
>SVGMatrix {f: 25, e: 25, d: 0.5, c: 0, b: 0…}&amp;lt;/div&amp;gt;
transformed_matrix = current_matrix.inverse().multiply(svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(750, 50).scale(0.5))
>SVGMatrix {f: 50, e: 1450, d: 1, c: 0, b: 0…}
>SVGTransform {angle: 0, matrix: SVGMatrix, type: 1, setMatrix: function, setTranslate: function…}

Matricies can be a little hard on the head and understanding SOME matrix multiplication is very helpful. The tricky part is learning enough so you can get your project done without having to redo your whole high-school math curriculum. The best resource for a concise explanation is Coursera’s Machine Learning course. Check out the linear algebra review in section 3. He gets right down to business and explains it all really clearly.

Javascript and the end of history (of programming languages)

In 1989 Francis Fukuyama published the essay “The end of history?” which says:

What we may be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.

I am not the first to notice that the programming world seems to be undergoing a similar shift, with the universalization of Javascript and its seeming adoption as the final form of programming.

The Mozilla platform (XUL, XPCOM, etc…) has long made it possible to develop desktop applications in Javascript (Firefox most famously) but radical changes have been afoot. Microsoft and the Gnome Foundation have both made Javascript their a central development language. On the mobile front Apache Cordova (formerly Phonegap), Firefox OS and other projects are ensuring steady growth of Javascript there.

Of course Node.js means that your server side code can now be written in Javascript as well. If you are wondering if how that is going, consider that Modulecounts reports that the npm package repository is growing faster even than Rubygems. On top of all that HTML 5 and standards like WebRTC and WebGL ensure that Javascript grows ever more powerful in the browser as well.

This is a curious shift to watch. Javascript is a pretty surprising choice for the “final form” of programming but here it is anyway, its adoption driven presumably by the number or programmers familiar with it from working with the DOM. Microsoft’s adoption seems is doubly curious; what would be the difference between Firefox OS and Windows when all/most apps are written in Javascript? It’s as though they are embracing Marc Andreessen’s famous prediction that “Windows will just be a buggy set of device drivers” and adding “and a Javascript API!”.

Does all this really spell the end for other languages? Is Javascript really taking over the world? It’s hard not to feel that way.

The famous philosopher Slavoj Žižek points out that where we used to see demands for Western-style democracy after every introduction of capitalism (and thus thought there was causation not just correlation), we are starting to see capitalism appear in stronger forms without democracy, giving a new form of political organisation. What he is getting at is that Fukuyama was wrong, history marches onwards after all.

When I look at projects on the border between Javascript and Ruby where authors are pressing each languages strengths and compensating for weaknesses, I think there is plenty more history to come in the world of programming. It just looks like the path to get there is going to be dominated by Javascript.